China Seminar | 12 December 1991

Healing Visions and Visionaries

David M. Scollard David M. Scollard

Please join us for the fascinating story of international cooperation, medical exchange, research, and family ties between the Sun Yatsen University of Medical Sciences in Guangzhou and the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine by Dr. David M. Scollard, professor of pathology at the University of Hawaii since 1984 and director of the Leprosy Research Atelier since 1985. Dr. Scollard received both his M.D. and Ph.D. in 1975 from the University of Chicago. During his residency at Hong Kong University, he selected leprosy research as his primary field. From 1981 to 1984, he served as Field Director of the Chiangmai-Illinois Leprosy Research Project in Thailand.

Dr. Scollard follows in the footsteps of Professor Olaf Skinsnes, internationally renowned leprologist who served on the University of Hawaii faculty from 1969 to 1984 and founded the Leprosy Research Atelier. In 1985 Professor Skinsnes and his wife moved to Guangzhou where Sun Yatsen University of Medical Sciences built him a new research laboratory. While in Hong Kong and independently of his studies, Dr. Scollard met and married the daughter of the Skinsneses, Fredrikke, who was also at Hong Kong University studying Chinese ceramics and who now teaches at the University of Hawaii. Both of the Scollards have also been long-time members and supporters of the China Seminar.