China Seminar | 8 April 1993
Hong Kong: An Update
Since 1983, when the first talks between China and Britain took place to determine the status of Hong Kong in and after 1997, the China Seminar has been having periodic talks on Hong Kong. Now with only less than five years to go, and Governor Patten’s appointment last year as most likely the “last governor” of Hong Kong and his recent attempts to introduce a measure of democratic representation of people of an island living on “borrowed time,” an update is once again timely.
Dr. Alvin Y. So joined the faculty of the Department of Sociology, University of Hawaii, in 1984. In 1989 he won the Regents' Medal in Teaching. In addition, Dr. So is a productive scholar, having authored two books with another one coming in 1993. These works are: The South China Silk District (1986), Social Change and Development: Modernization, Dependency, and World-System Theories (1990) and The Hong Kong-Guangdong Link: Partnership in Flux edited with Reginald Kwok (1993). Dr. So took his B.A. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and is known in academic circles as well as the community at large for his articulate concerns for the future of Hong Kong. Please join us for an analysis of the Hong Kong situation by a concerned scholar.