China Seminar | 12 April 2018

When in China . . . China Stories through Foreigners’ Eyes

Huan Cao Huan Cao

There are about a million foreigners living in China in 2017 and the number is only growing, and rapidly. How would China fit into their expectations and how are their lives in China? Since 2013, Huan CAO has been producing her own video column in China Daily called “Laowai Not”, a 3-year video documentary series about foreigners living in China. The series tells China stories through foreigners’ eyes. Huan will share with us a couple of the videos from the series and talk about present China in terms of its modern culture, as well as relate her own experiences being a foreigner living in Hawaii.

Huan CAO has been a multimedia journalist and producer at China Daily for 10 years. Her professional career highlights include covering China’s “Two sessions” – the annual meetings of the national legislature and the top political advisory body for 8 years straight; the repeated frontline reporting of Sichuan 512 Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008; APEC, G20 and many other major events that took place in China. She is a recipient of many top awards in China, including 2013 Top Ten News Video of The Year for the Sichuan Earthquake, National People’s Congress News Awards for the “Two sessions” and The Best Online Video Series in 2016 for “Laowai Not” series. Huan received her BA in Communications from London Middlesex University and her MA in International Multimedia Journalism at University of Bolton, UK.