China Seminar

Ralph A. Cossa

Ralph A. Cossa

12 April 2012

Six-Party Talks: Is China Part of the Solution, or Part of the Problem?

The talk is timely as North Korea has a new leader and China will have its new leader at its 18th Congress. The presentation will look at the current state of PRC-DPRK (North Korea) relations and the role that China has played as facilitator of the currently moribund Six-Party Talks. We will examine China’s current approach to Pyongyang and discuss if current Chinese attitudes and policies make it more a part of the problem than of the solution when it comes to dealing with the North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.

14 November 2002

Current Challenges to US-PRC Relations: Dealing with Iraq and North Korea

President of the Pacific Forum CSIS, a non-profit, foreign policy research institute affiliated with the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., Mr. Ralph A. Cossa is a political/military affairs and national security specialist of thirty years standing in formulating, articulating, and implementing U.S. security policy in the Asia-Pacific and Near East-South Asia regions. Mr. Cossa is a founding member of the steering committee of the Multinational Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSAP), a non-governmental organization dealing with regional confidence building and multilateral security dialogue, and serves as Executive Director of CSAP’s U.