China Seminar | 9 November 1989

Creations in Beijing Opera

SHEN Xiaomei SHEN Xiaomei
ZHU Hongfa ZHU Hongfa
SHEN Fuqing SHEN Fuqing

SHEN XIAOMEI is currently a principal actress with the Jiangsu Beijing Opera Company in Nanjing. She was a student of Mei Lanfang, the most famous Beijing opera performer of the 20th century. She has appeared at major festivals in leading cities throughout China and toured extensively throughout the world.

ZHU HONGFA is a principal actor with the Jiangsu Beijing Opera Company. He has also toured extensively. His performances have been seen in Scandinavia, Australia, and Hong Kong.

SHEN FUQING is a master of the hugin, a two string spike fiddle. Since 1963, he has composed score for more than 30 new Beijing opera plays. He was the principal musician for the Jiansu troupe’s tour of Australia.

These three Beijing opera artists are in residence at the University of Hawai‘i’s Dept. of Theatre and Dance during this fall semester, teaching courses to UH students to prepare them for the February production of “The Jade Hall of Spring.”